Gardening is known to have therapeutic and mental wellness benefits; however, you don’t need to have a plot of land or even go outside to enjoy gardening’s benefits. All you need are a few pots on your windowsill. Grow house plants or food. Nurture your plants and watch them flourish. The benefits include reduced anxiety and stress while improving mood and self-satisfaction. The easiest food to grow includes herbs, leafy greens, microgreens, carrots, scallions, garlic, spring radishes, beets, bush beans, peas, micro tomatoes.
If growing vegetables, you should consider the following:
- Choose containers that have enough holes to allow for adequate drainage and are the right size for the plant you’re growing. Shallow and rooted greens may only need about a 2-inch depth, but carrots or deep-rooted tomatoes will need at least 12 inches of soil.
- Use a good quality potting mix, not garden soil. Mixes dedicated to potting usually have vermiculite or perlite, which allows for better drainage.
- Consider some type of supplemental lighting if your home doesn’t offer enough natural light.
- Don’t expect the same level of bounty that you’d get if gardening outdoors.
Gardening requires a certain level of focus and attention – mindfulness in the present, which can promote a sense of well-being. And focusing on the present task at hand can help to alleviate anxiety and depression. Give it a try! You may be surprised at what your green thumb can produce!